One of a Kind

When you hear the word “entrepreneur”,  the words ‘innovation’, ‘wealth’, ‘success’ and ‘risk’ may come to mind.  Entrepreneurs often start as a small business, but their entrepreneurial talent propels them to realize remarkable achievements. Facebook is a perfect example of an entrepreneurial venture that grew to become a phenomenon.

Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO and founder of Facebook

In 2004, 19-year-old Mark Zuckerberg was a sophomore at Harvard. Out of boredom, Zuckerberg created what would become the largest social network device the world has ever seen. Seven years after Zuckerberg’s creation, 550 million people connect through his venture and Facebook is growing “at a rate of about 700,000 people a day”. When Facebook went public, Zuckerberg became one of the youngest billionaires ever.  His entrepreneurial innovation created success and wealth for himself and many others. How did he do this?

Zuckerberg once said: “The biggest risk is not taking any risk… in a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that’s guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

While hard work and luck influence an entrepreneur’s success, for Zuckerberg, his entrepreneurial spirit and innovative genius were also combined with a high degree of risk taking, and through this, he both realized incredible wealth and changed the way we communicate….likely forever.

Reference: Mark Zuckerberg Article 

Picture Reference: Mark Zuckerberg 

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