Let it snow!

Gazing out my window to the approaching winter season, it seemed fair to reminisce on those warm summer days where SWOT assignments were simply SWOT charts.

Mountain Equipment Co-op, the company I analysed, keeps a community blog for its members and employees to share their experiences. Not only is this a genius way to market their brand, it also serves as a medium to encourage environmental awareness.  (Check out their blog!)

For those who’ve never heard of MEC before, they’re a company founded in Vancouver by four friends who identified the need of quality gear for “self-propelled wilderness-oriented recreation.” Not only are they a part of 1% For the Planet and The Big Wild, they also support endless human rights and environmental projects which are shared on their blog.

In order to buy their equipment, one must hold “a share” of $5. With this comes the power to elect their directors and choose their products. Amazing! This share (or vote) provides exclusive rights, affiliation with their projects, and a network through their close-knit community blog.

I find this blog to be useful because:

1) It promotes the company’s mission / successes and generates an even closer community.

2) Its members get the opportunity to share details about their outdoor adventures and to leave advice to beginners on which trails to explore.



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