Apple’s Attempt To Pull Ahead Of The Race

Apple’s recent decision to purchase PrimeSense for $345 million illustrates their willingness to dominate the market once again. PrimeSense, an Israeli company that enables 3D vision, was used to help develop Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect.

Apple has not specified exactly what PrimeSense will be working on, but it seems to be evident that this purchase is an attempt to pull ahead of the competition. It is unknown whether 3D vision will be incorporated on laptops, phones, or other products, but builds upon the anticipation of the next apple product that will be released.

I believe this is quite a wise decision on Apple’s behalf. Introducing new concepts to the mass market will most likely improve sales, as consumers in this market are always looking for the new, flash products that come out on shelves. Companies such as Samsung are dominating the market as well, and Apple is attempting to create a point of difference for the consumers, so that they can pull away from the tight competition. This purchase had to be done. This is also a battle of innovation as well, as the companies will race to create new products that will address the wants of their customer segments.



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