#Lynx With Low Self-Esteem

by naheeljawaid

It’s late at night but you’re up reading my blog for whatever reason. Don’t worry bro, I got something for you:

How do I get away with posting this? Simple, I’ve got some actual probing questions to ask about this ad. (GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER).

Now although I can display this ad, Lynx, marketed as Axe in the U.S., has been banned from using it. The ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) deemed this ad to be objectifying towards women and ‘likely to cause serious and widespread offence.’

This begs the question, where is the line drawn. Sexualization of such products is widespread in advertising these days. So why was this ad specifically banned. Should it have been banned? I would like to know your opinion. Hit me up.

Cause that’s what’s up.

If you’d like to see more pictures get to know more about this issue, click here.

PS: If you don’t get my title, it’s a reference to Arrested Development.