“Do I know you…”

by naheeljawaid

We hear a lot in Sauder about LinkedIn, a social media site created for business networking. Jenn brings up some great points about the importance of networking, a message we are bombarded with constantly as Sauderites.

Take a look at her full post by clicking here.

There was one particular sentence that really got me thinking. It was this passage, “LinkedIn… gives users a false sense of security that online networking will really bring them the career they have always wanted on a silver platter.”

From personal experience, I can say that I have added people I don’t actually know on facebook, and have had people send me friend request who I don’t know in return. Although on facebook this merely means awkwardly avoiding these people on chat, in the context of LinkedIn, it can mean something much more dangerous.

I fear there will be a section of individuals who start steer away from traditional face-to-face networking, in exchange for simply doing all their networking online. Although it is too early to tell now, I hope dearly that my fellow Sauderites will not get lazy and do the majority of their networking online.
Also, they should join BizzComm Club.