#Picture Perfect Product

by naheeljawaid

This post is pretty simple, read the title and let it sink in.

I’d like to illustrate this point through a couple advertisements.



As evident in both ads, the product itself is not the focus. Not once are specs, price or features mentioned. Instead, the viewer is stimulated emotionally through creating a “picture perfect” experience they could achieve with the help of the company.

I believe this is the key feature of good marketing, focusing on the experience you are delivering to the consumer and leaving other details for later. This is because consumers usually make choices, not based on data and logic, but on an emotional level. No matter how much you explain the health issues related to eating McDonalds, you will not be able to convince a kid that has seen the joy of a “happy meal” through a McDonalds commercial.

As with my last post on commercials, it turns out I yet again have to make a promotional video for BizzComm club tomorrow. Our team is still coming up with ideas for the video. I wonder how I can implement this idea…