I Just Want to Pass

by naheeljawaid

I’m scrambling through my papers, nothing but doodles and dried drool from my econ lecture. Normally, this would be cause for panic, however, thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of a couple Eastern Canadian university students, I need not worry.

Notewagon.com – A social network with an academic twist. This start-up company is making headway as it expands from the University of University of Waterloo to other Ontario post-secondary institutions and beyond.

The product it offers, notes on lectures, is not new. However, it’s method of of obtaining, organizing, and distributing these notes are what gives it a competitive edge in the market of University students.

The organization allows students to upload and “sell” their notes to other students. With a little bit of magic (and something called the “free market”) quality notes get recognized and are paid more for and Notewagon makes a percent of the profit.

The company is taking a risk, in that there are other note-sharing platforms, and in order for it to thrive, it needs to be widely used like a social networking site. It’s working currently to get funding of about $1,000,000 in the silicone valley in order to expand its market rapidly.

More notes for me. Hell yeah!