Naheel Jawaid's Blog

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Category: Uncategorized

#Picture Perfect Product

This post is pretty simple, read the title and let it sink in. I’d like to illustrate this point through a couple advertisements. As evident in both ads, the product itself is not the focus. Not once are specs, price or features mentioned. Instead, the viewer is stimulated emotionally through creating a “picture […]

#You Call It Dishonesty, I Call It Marketing

At an IB Club meeting today, I ended up talking to a 2nd year student while chowing down on their free wings (If you are a Sauder student reading this, go to their events… you will not regret it). The conversation got onto the topic of marketing and the person I was talking to (his […]

“Do I know you…”

We hear a lot in Sauder about LinkedIn, a social media site created for business networking. Jenn brings up some great points about the importance of networking, a message we are bombarded with constantly as Sauderites. Take a look at her full post by clicking here. There was one particular sentence that really got me […]

#Buy/Hate Relationship

It’s Friday night, and you know what that means. I’m checking out Raeanne’s comm 101 blog, when I come across something that catches my attention. WOAH, What’s this? Click here to see. Raeanne pulls out a brain-tingling post about Buckley’s, a Canadian cough syrup company, and its unique marketing pitch. “People swear by it. And […]

“How does that make you feeeeel?”

Here’s a small glimpse of what goes on at   Shocking stuff. Uncensored, perhaps even edgy. One word you may not have linked to these, however, is “profitable.” Frank Warren has turned, what was once his art project to give people an emotional outlet, into a successful business venture. The site came form humble […]

#Lynx With Low Self-Esteem

It’s late at night but you’re up reading my blog for whatever reason. Don’t worry bro, I got something for you: How do I get away with posting this? Simple, I’ve got some actual probing questions to ask about this ad. (GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER). Now although I can display this ad, […]

#My First Time

If you read my last blog post on skittles’ viral marketing campaign ( … this counts as linking another person’s blog right…?) then you would have noticed some of the unconventional methods used by the company to create an impact with consumers. Upon further analysis, I noticed some key elements of the video such as […]

“That’s hot.”

Prepare to be either slightly aroused, or creep-ed the f*** out. So what’s up with ads such as this one. Does “Mars, Incorporated” expect this ad to convince us of the sugary goodness provided by the colorful ball of artificial preservatives that is a “skittle?” The answer will not surprise you. It’s “NO.” So […]

I Just Want to Pass

I’m scrambling through my papers, nothing but doodles and dried drool from my econ lecture. Normally, this would be cause for panic, however, thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of a couple Eastern Canadian university students, I need not worry. – A social network with an academic twist. This start-up company is making headway as […]

Ethics in the Cirriculum in Kenya

It is found that business professionals in Kenya who engage in fraud and corruption are alumni’s of Kenyan business schools. This leads many to question Kenyan business schools and the role of ethics education in their curriculum. Although experts have condemned Kenya’s business school curriculum, the article points out that not all cases of corruption […]

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