Task 6: An Emoji Story


Emojis help to convey emotion through text. Where there can often be misinterpretation over written text due to a lack of facial expressions, tone of voice etc. emojis serve to fill the gap. However, they are not foolproof, people can often misinterpret the meaning of an emoji, two hands placed together may look like “prayer hands” to some, while to someone else it looks like a high five. Another issue could be that someone does not have the same type of phone as you and therefore the emoji may appear differently or they may not be able to see it at all.

An interesting feature of this task is that is not language-specific, so it does not require you to be an English speaker to try to figure out what it means. I find it quite hard to discuss my process without any spoilers in regards to my emoji story, but I quite enjoyed this week’s task. Leading up to it, I created an emoji guessing game with my sister sending movie/tv titles back and forth which helped in the brainstorming process. In trying to determine what piece of work I was going to choose I went through my emojis so that I could be inspired and an idea would potentially jump out. I would think of a movie/story that I know well and then scroll through the emojis to see if I would be able to explain the plot. I went with big ideas and utilized different lines for different scenes. However, one unforeseen downside of this task was that it ruined my algorithm of recently/most used emojis in my phone.

My emoji story is a movie.

Can you guess it?


2 thoughts on “Task 6: An Emoji Story

  1. MarlisEnders

    Hi Katie – I like your thoughts and perspectives – particularly the point about emojis not being language specific – I didn’t even think about that point. However, even though they aren’t language specific, could it be argued that they may be ‘culture specific’? For example, your hands example – some cultures could see the hands as a prayer, some could see it as a greeting, etc. Your point about the emojis changing according to the platform used is also quite relevant. When I had certain ideas I wanted to convey, I had a specific picture in mind (for example, a ‘sale’ sign), but couldn’t find that in my emoji choices so I had to look for alternatives.
    So at first glance, I would have guessed ‘Frozen’, but upon closer look, is it ‘Snow White’?

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