Linking Assignment 4


Task 6: An Emoji Story (Song)

I was drawn to Eduardo’s emoji task because it was a song. I felt like most people chose either a song or movie so I liked that he had done something different. I am admittedly pretty terrible at song titles and the names of the artist but ironically the title is how I figured out what the song was. Based on my guess of blackbird I actually googled the lyrics to cross-reference if I was correct. I used the lyrics to compare the emojis and he did a great job. I made the statement that emojis in many ways are not language-based but we may interpret them differently. Eduardo similarly comments that they can be biased stating “an individual from another culture or from another time might not be able to derive meaning from the symbols I’ve selected to represent ideas, the world, and experiences.”

Eduardo’s blog was created using the UBC blogs however he didn’t have a taskbar so I found it quite hard to navigate his site. At the top, there was a link to a sample page which I assume was a part of the initial template. The only way to find his posts was through his homepage. He kept his site fairly monochromatic with classic fonts. His header displayed written text which I assume he chose based on the more traditional sense of text in this course.

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