Linking Assignment 6


Task #12 – Speculative Futures

I chose Tanya’s task 12 as we both went for more of a visual representation than just a written narrative. Her dystopian video is actually quite realistic, not an extreme. My approach was more of an extreme in regards to the negative side of technology in the future. I was also very impressed with the video animation in general. This representation is probably quite likely, there is actually an ad for Alexa that is similar in that ‘she’ starts your day for you and gives you the highlights. Also with COVID there is a bit of a taste of modified schooling which can be seen in the video. Once again I really liked the comic that she created for her utopian narrative. This narrative or something like it I hope will actually happen in the future. When you think about it the ratio of 1 teacher to ~30 students is not ideal and because our learners all have different needs it would be incredibly beneficial for such personalized learning. 

Tanya’s blog has more of a traditional WordPress style to it. The top taskbar makes it easy to navigate with the drop-down menus that allows you to quickly choose what specific post you would like to see. The header photo looks like it may be a personal photo and I would guess that she is from BC as well.

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