Linking Assignment 3


Voice to Text Task

Pamela found this task somewhat stressful like I did. We both found it difficult to tell our story live without practicing or fully knowing how it would go. This tells me she might have a similar personality to me in that we like to have control of things. Because of this, we had the same approach in that we tried not to look at what was being written as we spoke as we knew we would get thrown off by the mistakes. One thing that Pamela did that I thought was interesting was that she added her “story” to Grammarly to see what it had to say. Surprisingly it determined there were no errors which I guess goes to show that technology doesn’t always know best. In terms of context, it is much easier for a person to catch certain things even if they may be grammatically correct. I was curious about mine so I did the same. It had 10 suggestions for me and gave me a score of 76.

I am realizing that this is the third link I have written and so far they are all 3/3 with this same template for their blog. Pamela has chosen a background however that I am not 100% sure what it is, a ski lift perhaps? She has created a drop-down menu to categorize her different posts. The title of her site is PJ MacGregor – which makes me wonder what does the J stand for?

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