Linking Assignment 2


Task 4: Potato Printing

I chose Vera’s potato printing task as I was initially drawn in as she had also done a timelapse video. While my timelapse was shot from above to just focus on the process she included herself in the video which helped to give the whole picture of the experience. I think this shows that we could be of similar age that we are familiar with time-lapses as well as thought to make one for this task. Vera mentions that she also came to the realization that the letters needed to be backwards. Her letters were much narrower than mine and she used individual potatoes for each letter whereas I created my word using only one potato. The order of the potatoes mattered more initially for me as I wouldn’t be able to change them after the fact whereas she could isolate the potatoes individually.

Vera has created her website using the UBC blogs WordPress platform. She has headings on the top of the page for the different categories. Her tabs had landing pages which has links to each post instead of a drop-down menu. She named her site “ideasworthsharing” instead of just the course name. The homepage has boxes to display previews of her various posts and for some reason, her emoji post has a pinned symbol on it. Her blog has a mellow vibe with the wheat field background.

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