Linking Assignment 5


Task 7: Mode-bending

I chose Connie’s mode bending task because we both did a remix of 90s/00s songs. I will admit I had to search for her original post, introducing herself to know who’s blog it was, after saving the link but not noting who’s it was. We both stated in our reflection that we were stumped to start so I imagine this was a common starting point for most. It is interesting how in general most people are more comfortable with visual than they are with audio, I know for myself I do not like hearing my own voice playback over a recording, even my voicemail recording. We both created purely audio interpretations but also included a written transcript. She made an interesting point that “while visuals are appealing, audio provides communication advantages that are impossible to set aside.” Often there can be miscommunications when we are reading written word as in our mind we may not read it as intended. With audio, there are more cues such as tone and pace and it is much easier to interpret meaning or intention.

Connie chose the same format for her blog as I did, including the same accent colour. I had a bit of a hard time navigating it as I found I couldn’t scroll through the posts they were all separate. This made me curious about my own as I typically viewed it as an editor, not as a visitor. I personally like it when there is a taskbar that separates the types of posts. Connie opted out of having the photo or logo in the top corner where I have my personal logo I had previously created.

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