Monthly Archives: January 2023

1:2 Memorandum

To:  Dr. Erika Paterson

From: Nina Nakanishi

Date: January 27, 2023

Subject: Writing Team Application Letter


As you requested in Unit1:2, I have posted the application letter for the ENGL 301 writing team.

The attached application letter includes:

  • A brief description of my educational and personal background,
  • A summary of my experience in writing communication including my strengths and weakness, and
  • An overview of my learning philosophy.

Thank you for your time in checking my assignments. I look forward to hearing from you.

301 Nina Nakanishi Application Letter

1:2 Application letter

January 25, 2023

Dear Classmates of English 301,

I am writing this letter to express my desire of joining a professional writing team for this semester. I am a 4th year student majoring in Psychology, working full-time as an executive director and project manager in a start-up entertainment company in Japan. I am confident that my academic writing skills that I gained in my previous years and my experience of starting up my own business would contribute to perfecting our team projects in this semester.

Taking courses in Philosophy, Psychology, and English provided a great academic writing skills especially in the research field. Some of the courses provided a goof opportunity to join in a group project, and I developed a strong communication skills. Since I am Japanese, English is not my native language; my understanding of spoken language is not perfect. However, I learned a detailed grammar and writing techniques as a learner of English as a second language.

My learning philosophy is to make all the practice valuable by leaning from both success and mistakes. I believe that feeding back to each other would be beneficial for blushing up the project and improving our skills.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  The application letter can be found in: 301 Application letter. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me at


Nina Nakanishi.