RE: Aakash: Another Tata?

My classmate Li Ming recently opined that Aakash the $35 tablet would go the same way as the Tata Nano and would sell quickly at first and then fail. “As stated in class Tata did not remain popular in India for long” was a quote of hers. I however greatly disagree with her and lean more to agree with the original blogger, Priscilla. There is a substantial difference between cars and tablet computers in my opinion. The other other thing that I feel is strongly working in Aakash’s favour is that the west would be really open to an extremely cheap tablet. My mother was very frugal when i was growing up and often was unwilling to get me any of the latest gadgets. With a 35 dollar tablet i could easily get it myself! While Aakash might not have the prestige feeling of the iPad, it is still a very functional and a very cheap tablet. Overall I agree with Li Ming that Aakash must be careful not to go the way of Tata, it would be relatively simple to ensure its success.



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