Quit Over Ethics? Here’s What to Say

While I anticipate that everyone is going around finding articles to be condemn corporations for their corrupt practices or praise them for their ethical decisions. I thought it would be more useful to find something that would help someone who was faced with the awful position of their company behaving unethically and illegally. The article “Quit Over Ethics? Here’s What to Tell Job Interviewers” describes a situation where an accountant is at a firm that encourages “creative accounting” and had to quit due to the obvious moral implications of lying or “cooking the books.” The columnist then tells them ways of being able to tell an interviewer that you quit due to ethical reasons. Obviously telling an interviewer that you X-company cheats or engages in illegal activities, without substantial proof, just makes you look like a liar and a troublemaker. Which is not the best impression to make. The columnist suggests just saying that you parted ways over philosophical differences on how to manage a company. Simple and yet subtlety gets the point across that all ways not well. Anyways I hope anyone who is faced with this problem finds this article useful. \



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