Who Should Run the Internet?

Under the current system every government is roughly treated as a “stakeholder” and is given a little bit of say. Everything that changes is through gradual evolution rather than hard and fast autocratic changes. But this system is under attack, particularly by the Chinese and the Russians. The Economist article “The Plaything of Powerful Nations” describes how the these two nations are calling for the United Nations to take over control of the internet from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. They also want the UN to give more say to individual governments. To me this just seems like a greedy power grab by authoritarian regimes who seek to continually censor their people. The current system definitely needs and overhaul to survive, but putting it in the hands of an ineffective UN agency who would just differ to governments is not the answer. The stakeholder model ensures that effectively people rule the internet with government being on the outside looking in. If this were to change innovation and information sharing would plummet. Update the current system, but keep everything in the hands of the people



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