The World To Be…

As discussed in a previous class, companies’ new marketing strategy is to target the most vulnerable of our population, the children. Especially with companies that produce products that are already specifically for the youngsters our population, ads from all kinds of different companies are starting to be aimed at children because companies know that when kids see things they like on TV or anywhere outside (such as on a car ride), they will whine to their parentsĀ and do anything they can to get it. This increases the companies’ market shares, however, is it a fair way of gaining these profits through reaching out to the most innocent consumer group? Is this marketing strategy healthy and good for the youngsters of our generation?

This answer may be different for everyone, but I think this is a very selfish way of marketing, not thinking of our next generation. I know ever since the iPads were released by Apple, I have been shocked to see the number of, not just kids, but toddlers (around the age of 2) who have their own iPads, whether it is in restaurants, in North America, or in Asia. The simple fact that many children had iPads was not the only thing that shocked me, but the fact that they knew better than people my age on how to work the iPad (such as volume, apps, and taking pictures).

This word is getting pretty scary because toddler owning iPads is the same concept as toddlers with laptops, who knows, pretty soon the youngest businessman/businesswoman would be a two year-old in his/her suit and with a laptop.,1287518294,3/stock-photo-little-smiling-boy-dresses-with-gray-suit-and-blue-shirt-sitting-on-the-floor-and-browsing-in-the-63333184.jpg&w=450&h=319&ei=zsVwUISoMsTtigKl8oCICA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=159&sig=114923927537967206623&page=3&tbnh=153&tbnw=178&start=59&ndsp=33&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:59,i:270&tx=109&ty=108

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