UrtheCast Opinions

I was amazed by the technology presented by the UrtheCast CEO. UrtheCast is the only company producing HD video shots/streaming of the earth. The level of technology we could reach with the use of outerspace cameras and space stations is incredible. I believe UrtheCast has a bright future ahead because exploring the whole extent of our earth is still something we have not completed yet and improving technology through the use of outerspace is a whole new area we are just starting to make use of. I was also especially surprised to find out how stalker-like social networking sites really are, being able to show up on UrtheCast without having the company go to Facebook and others for permission to enter their databases.

What UrtheCast is doing is not something that such power companies like Google has not thought of before, I believe it is becasue with these large companies like Google, it is not worth it for them to go through getting permission from countries for their camera to span through the whole earth. However, UrtheCast, being an independent company can go and ask for permission without risk. And that is another reason why I believe UrtheCast has a bright future because the big companies like Google will probably not try to compete with it, otherwise, they would have done it a long time ago, having already created Google Earth; they were totally capable of doing what UrtheCast did.


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