The Social Responsibility CVS Holds to its Customers?


In today’s business world, capitalism is a dominant economic concept used everywhere around the globe. United States, being the leading free enterprise country in the world, has faced challenges of business ethics regarding the sales of tobacco in drug store chains installed with pharmacies and health practitioners. CVS being one of the largest chains of drugstore that carries tobacco products, has vowed the termination of selling tobacco products by October, 2014. Although this will put a small dent in their sales, I believe that the social responsibility aspect of this business out-rules that small percentage of profit. With the number of smoking related health issues surfacing everyday, I consider this action to be necessary in order to reduce medical costs, seeing that many people cannot afford private healthcare in the United States. Assuming CVS could meet their promise by the deadline, they will become the leaders of advocating a healthier lifestyle. It is in the best interest of these stores to maximize profit for all stakeholders, however ensuring that the profit they make will be held responsible to the citizens. Although this issue cannot be addressed immediately and will not be solved for quite some time, health advocates  now has a prominent example to use in their arguments.


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