Enbridge’s Nothern Gateway Pipeline Project

Pipeline route for the proposed project.

Pipeline route for the proposed project.

Just a few months ago, the federal government approved the $7.9 billion Northern Gateway Pipeline Project proposed by Enbridge Energy, a Calgary-based company. First Nations are strongly opposing this project since they are afraid of oil spills towards the waterways to Kitimat, where many Aboriginals reside.

Oil and pipeline projects have been a prominent controversy in history since the early days. Many First Nations’ natural habitats were disturbed because of these expensive projects. Since the federal government profits from these energy companies, they often disregard the environmental factors and footprint affecting global health and future generations. Numerous groups of Aboriginals rely on the natural environment for traditional ways of living. As well, unresolved land ownership still remains as a problem in the area. Enbridge must be able to come to a consensus with the First Nations in order to start the project, to convince them that this project would not harm their traditional niche. If the project were to be disturbed in the middle of operation, that means $7.9 billion going down the drain. Further more, historical sites and endangered animals would be harmed. Enbridge and the government must consider these external factors before going forth with the project.

Source: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/energy-and-resources/northern-gateway-decision/article19180594/


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