Arc Initiative – A Social Entrepreneurial Venture

Arc Initiative projects by the Sauder School of Business in South Africa, Ethiopia, and Rwanda.

Arc Initiative projects by the Sauder School of Business in South Africa, Ethiopia, and Rwanda.

Budget spending has been an issue commonly debated upon in the United Nations, including financial support to developing countries such as South Africa to help fasten the pace of their economy growth and progression. Although the United Nations may have funded numerous business ventures and entrepreneurs in hopes of assisting them to help their economy flourish and attain favourable results, the outcomes have not been apparent. They failed to recognize that these entrepreneurs may lack the skills and education to utilize the fund to the fullest extent. Programs and individuals such as social entrepreneurs and the Arc Initiative were formed to resolve these fundamental issues. Social entrepreneurs are individuals that help the society by creating jobs and opportunities to those that are in need. Programs such as the Arc Initiative target young professionals and those in need of business education in order to run their firms efficiently. They help to educate business venturers regarding internal aspects of business by delivering workshops that prioritize finance, marketing, and strategy. Several examples of successful entrepreneurs that benefitted from these workshops include Salem Kassahun who owns Salem’s Ethiopia, Fitih Tesfaye with Shega Shero Eatery, and Osei-Duro founded by Maryanne Mathias and her partner Michelle Keogh.



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