Author Archives: NancyLu

RE: “Millenials to Reshape the Work Environment”

In Michael Zhong’s blog post of the current trend of the millennial work force, he stated that companies should adapt and revise their business models as the world keep changing.Regarding this topic, I agree with his opinion because as part of … Continue reading

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RE: “Netflix – is Global Domination a Good Idea?”

In Jay Agrawal’s blog post regarding Netflix’s expansion plan into six European countries, including Germany and France, two of Europe’s largest markets. He supported Netflix’s ambition of development, saying that it will be beneficial in the long run. I agree … Continue reading

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RE: “Crowd-Funding Usually Brings New Challenges” by Marty Zwilling

According to the blog author Marty Zwillings, many young and new entrepreneurs seem to have the misconception that crowd-funding is the ultimate solution to solving their start-up capital costs. I fully agree with her idea, seeing how many projects on … Continue reading

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Arc Initiative – A Social Entrepreneurial Venture

Budget spending has been an issue commonly debated upon in the United Nations, including financial support to developing countries such as South Africa to help fasten the pace of their economy growth and progression. Although the United Nations may have funded … Continue reading

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Laserfix: A Successful Business Venture

Laserfix, a small eye glass frame repair business run by the seasoned dental technician Darrel Fraser, has always been on the lookout for new business opportunities until he discovered a chance to utilize the rarely used laser welding machine in his dental … Continue reading

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Enbridge’s Nothern Gateway Pipeline Project

Just a few months ago, the federal government approved the $7.9 billion Northern Gateway Pipeline Project proposed by Enbridge Energy, a Calgary-based company. First Nations are strongly opposing this project since they are afraid of oil spills towards the waterways to … Continue reading

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Abercrombie’s Exclusive Marketing?

The Californian aura inspired brand Abercrombie and Fitch stirred up controversies regarding sizing matters from the past year. CEO Mike Jefferies claimed that there is only excitement when their clothes are worn and advertised by people with washboard abs and … Continue reading

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Apple’s New Problem

As the only iOS provider at the moment and the one of the mainstream platforms for smartphone users in the current society, Apple has developed an underlying issue in its business. According to the survey conducted by, over half of … Continue reading

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Senior Accountant’s Lavish Double Life

In 2009, the global financial institution of Dutch origin, ING Group, faced a loss of around $45 million due to the personal greed of Rajina Subramaniam, the senior accountant of the multinational company. From 2004, she has been reported guilty of … Continue reading

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The Social Responsibility CVS Holds to its Customers?

In today’s business world, capitalism is a dominant economic concept used everywhere around the globe. United States, being the leading free enterprise country in the world, has faced challenges of business ethics regarding the sales of tobacco in drug store chains … Continue reading

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