Final Project Reflection


Working through GIS labs and the final project allowed me to challenge myself with time and stress management. Although these pressures did get the best of me at times, I was able to produce a series of maps that I am extremely proud of. Something new I learned about myself is that in addition to working hard when forced into “survival mode,” I have high standards for myself that are hard to avoid. This is both a weakness and a strength that I will need to better balance in the future given that my strongest effort will not always yield my best results.

Final Project

I chose to work alone on this project because I wanted to practice my geoprocessing skills while challenging myself to better manage time and stress. I chose to study Vancouver’s 2020 goal of ensuring that 100% of residents are within a five-minute walk to a greenspace. The goal of this project was to challenge the city’s outdated metric of measuring the walk-target given that external factors that would deter/prevent people from using greenspaces were not included. They merely applied a 400m buffer to greenspaces and said that was it – but this is overly simplified. I aimed to map Vancouver, its variety of green spaces and potential factors that would impact usage of parks. I chose area and distance to roads as external factors limiting the usability of parks. If they were microsized or under one hectare, then people would likely not visit them as often. Also if they were located along a busy arterial road, the park would not serve its purpose of providing relaxation due to noise and pollution.

As a one man show, time was the single greatest pressure for this assignment. Had I spent one more day on the project, I would have produced an entirely different report since I had so many ideas that did not make the final version. I learned a lot about the prevalence of unoccupied dwellings that I would have loved to further explore. For example, the Marine Gateway development that has quickly risen in recent years exhibits some of the highest unoccupied/vacant resident rates in all of Vancouver. Nearly 24% of all private dwellings in that census tract are not lived in by their landowner which I found fascinating, but also unsurprising. Manipulating data to receive these values was the best part about the project for me because I was able to learn new things as a result of my own actions.

COV Greenspace Report

Planning a Ski Resort: Environmental Impact Assessment

To: Grace Newton, Director of the British Columbia Snowmobile Federation (BCSF)
From: Nancy Pham, Natural Resource Planner
Date: November 17, 2017
Re: Environmental Assessment Examination Results

Good afternoon Grace! As per your request, I have reviewed the recommendations and criticisms concerning the Garibaldi at Squamish Ski Resort. Upon a detailed examination of the environmental assessment conducted for the project, I found that the BC Environmental Assessment Office and the Resort Municipality of Whistler had valid concerns over the viability of this proposed project. Major concerns brought up by these two parties included the lack of information regarding potential effects on vegetation, fish and wildlife, as well as the consideration of reliable skiing given that snow abundance is insufficient below 600 meters above sea level.

My analysis and conclusions are based on the attached maps (Garibaldi at Squamish and Hillshade Garibaldi) outlining areas of concern within the project boundaries. These maps were created with ArcMap using secondary data sources from DataBC and the UBC G-Drive Database. Upon parsing all the relevant information, the data was filtered to meet the project boundaries and mined to reflect the concerns of interested parties. Using a digital elevation model, I was able to determine which areas within the project boundaries were below 600m to assess Whistler’s concern over the reliability of snow abundance for skiing. This data shows that 31.78% of the proposed project area lies below the recommended elevation for skiing. The data chosen to reflect potential impacts on vegetation, fish and wildlife include habitats of ungulates and fish, as well as red-listed ecosystems and old growth forest management areas. Combined, the area of these concerns amounts to 53.69% of the total project area. Below, you will find a table outlining all the areas of concern and the proportion of project area they occupy.

Taking into consideration the effect of climate change, snow abundance in the project area will likely decrease in upcoming years, limiting the suitable winter conditions for skiing and other winter sports. With that being said, Whistler’s concern over the viability of the project is validated when we consider that nearly a third of the project area will not yield a sufficient amount of snow and that those areas that do yield enough will likely decrease in area as climate change effects increases. Regarding the potential impact on vegetation, fish and wildlife, this project will cause widespread damage to the surrounding ecosystem thereby threatening already sensitive habitats and livelihoods. With over half the project area posing serious threats to ungulates, fish, threatened species and old growth forests, it is my recommendation that you continue to oppose the project.

The Garibaldi at Squamish Ski Resort will inflict serious environmental impacts, so the best approach towards mitigation would be to withdraw the project altogether. Based on this examination, the greatest environmental concerns related to this project would be its introduction of anthropogenic waste (construction, noise, pollution, traffic etc.) to a sensitive mountain ecosystem as well as its direct effects on vegetation, fish and wildlife habitat. Considering that there are six red-listed ecosystems within the project boundaries, this project will likely cause extirpation of these already threatened species. Regarding old growth forests, the destruction of their environment will not likely see reclamation for many generations since these trees have been growing for hundreds of years without this degree of disturbance. Based on the sheer size of project area that encompasses areas of concern, these impacts will not be mitigatable. Allowing these plants and animals to thrive in their existing environment is the best approach to avoiding irreversible damage.

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future, and please do not hesitate to inquire upon more information regarding the proposed project.


Nancy Pham, Natural Resource Planner Retained by BCSF


Self Reflection:

Similar to my role as a natural resource planner, I do not think this project should move forward. Even before creating these maps and assessing percentages, areas and so on, you could guess what kind of ecological impacts a massive ski resort would impose. This is already enough for me to say no. not that I am anti-development, but I find the project wildly unnessary given that we already have the resort municipality of whistler so close by. Furthermore, I’ve studied the proponents of the project in the past, and they are known for environmental degradation and subsequently not caring when someone sues them. Ethically, it would be best to cease the project, for the sake of the environment given that it has the inherent right to exist and not be disturbed.

Housing Affordability

Data classification is power – you have the power to manipulate information to better perceive your goals whether it be ethical or appropriate to do so.

Being a journalist, my intention with making these maps was to expose the ‘truth,’ meaning there is no bias in my judgements. Since my data is not normally distributed, I would not choose standard deviation as my classification method. The data set is not uniform which means equal interval is insufficient as well. Manual breaks allow for the greatest subjectivity since I am the one choosing the intervals displayed. In this case, picking representative breaks would be challenging to not seem partial. I would choose natural breaks since this method looks for the best arrangement based on the distribution. Best arrangement is determined by the Jenkins natural breaks method, which looks for significant changes in the histogram as ideal breaks for classifying data. For a journalist, this is the preferred method because it represents the data best without over/understating any census tracts. With all this being said, in the event that I were creating maps for comparison, I would use manual breaks to best represent disparities between datasets.


If I were a real estate agent with intentions of selling homes near UBC, I would choose equal interval since it displays the neighborhoods around UBC similarly to the rest of the city. “Why buy a house in east Vancouver when there are homes similar in price in the west end? Just look at this map showing how similar they are!” would be my selling line. This method misrepresents reality because this area is actually the most expensive within the City of Vancouver. This raises ethical implications for cartographers who have to choose how data is represented. Data classification is inherently subjective since somebody has to make the choice on the preferred method, which can steer the map reader in different directions when it comes to comprehending the information. There has to be caution in manipulating data since the choice for classification methods is made with the map purpose/objective in mind.


We are measuring affordability by normalizing median dwelling cost by median household income. This measures how “affordable” a house is based on household income. It’s a better indicator than merely stating housing cost because it considers how much income a household can pull in to maintain the cost. Affordability has a different definition depending on who’s using the term. We can map 5 million dollar homes and make it look unaffordable to map viewers, but chances are, whoever owns that 5 million dollar home is able to afford it – deeming it “affordable” by this standard.

The categories we used to differentiate our normalized figures was developed by the Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey which calls the method of classification “median multiple.” Affordability is divided among 4 categories which can be trusted given that we are assessing the ratio of cost to income, not merely income. By using a proportion, the same indicator can be applied across every house.

I would say affordability is a great indicator for livability, although it is not the only factor that should be looked at. Being able to live somewhere means being able to sustain yourself, your family and your home. If you are unable to afford housing in Vancouver for example, you might not find the city so livable. But if you enjoy mountains, water, greenscapes and mild weather, you might overlook housing costs (like many people do), and decide this city is very livable. You might have to rent forever, but if that’s ideal for you given what Vancouver has to offer, then you would consider Vancouver livable.


Planning for a Tsunami

I used the total area of the Vancouvermask and the total area of VancouverLandUseInDanger (by summing up all the area values in the previous table) to obtain the area of Vancouver affected by the potential tsunami:

131,033,339.95 (13103 ha) / 20,302,078.29 (2030 ha) = 6.45%


Healthcare Facilities in the Danger Zone:

False creek residence

Villa Cathay care home

Coast west community home

Broadway Pentecostal lodge

Yaletown house society

Educational Facilities in the Danger Zone:












To obtain these lists:

  • Select by location
  • “Select features from”
  • Check off VancouverHealth and VancouverEducation
  • Source Layer “VancouverDanger”  ok
  • Once the points are selected, right click VancouverHealth
  • Data > Export
  • “all selected features”  ok
  • New layer is created with just healthcare facilities in the danger zone
  • Repeat steps v-vii for VancouverEducation
  • View the attribute lists for both new layers for this data


Accomplishment Statements:

By practicing how to calculate statistics using ArcMap to display quantitative data, I am now able to perform this function across all labs and assignments confidently.

By processing my data into usable summary tables for healthcare and education layers, I am able to incorporate a new dimension of quantitative analysis into my lab 3 and all following labs and assignments.

Manipulating a variety of vector and raster layers allowed me to create a sophisticated map of potential danger zones in Vancouver with detailed education and healthcare facilities, while also challenging my cartographic skills.

Coordinate Systems and Spatial Data Models

How to fix misaligned and improperly referenced spatial data:

To align your layers, you first have to check your coordinate/projected coordinate systems through ArcCatalogue. By right clicking>properties, you can view the current system and make changes to match other layers. If this step is ignored, layers will not line up or look true to its actual extent. The purpose of your map will likely dictate what coordinate/projected system you need. If it is a small-scale map, like Vancouver, then UTM is your best bet. If it is Canada being mapped, then the projected system Albers Conic would be ideal. Another option would be visiting the “project” tool in the toolbox. This will change the projection used throughout all layers. Right clicking our data frame>properties will also give you the option of applying the same system across all layers. To avoid having to project on the fly, you would use the “transform” tool to modify data and create a new version of the layer with a different coordinate system. Properties to consider during this process are distance, shape, area and direction – you must decide what properties are needed to be preserved in order to display your data effectively.


Landsat Data:

This method of data visualization allows you to avoid common problems with using raster and vector data like the mixed pixel problem. Instead of increasing resolution in your layer, using Landsat data would fix the problem of generalizing data since every point has a value predetermined by radar signals. Although there are restrictions for Landsat data, like how the sun plays a large role in retrieving it, using this energy-induced method of data visualization is still beneficial if you are looking to monitor something over time. In lab 2, we analyzed landsat data of Mt. St. Helen’s before and after the volcano had eruption. New lakes had formed which were picked up with landsat radars, allowing us to view landuse changes as a result of the natural disaster.

Solid Waste Research

My goal with this paper was to establish a fuller understanding of the global waste problem. By applying the DPSIR framework, it became possible to un-complicate the interdisciplinary nature of issues pertaining to solid waste. Waste generation is a growing issue with globalization operating at full capacity. Considering the impacts solid waste has on environment, economy, and humanity, it was difficult to narrow down a focus for a 3000 word paper. As I looked into the waste problems in different countries, it became clear that solid waste could not be fully examined in such a short essay. I chose to focus on topics that interested me throughout my research process such as organic waste, the zero waste strategy, and the informal sector.

Here are some issues that I chose to forgo in my essay for the sole reason that it would have taken an additional 3000 words to fully explain:

  • Developed countries in North America and Europe are shipping their e-waste to lower income countries such as China, Taiwan, or Vietnam but this does little to solve waste problems because it is a global issue. Scavengers dig through these mounds of electronic waste in hopes of finding metals or parts that are of value, but they typically encounter health issues instead. Considering it is the fastest growing waste stream right now, this must be addressed in the near future.
  • Waste management solutions are few and generally speaking ineffective. There have been far too many agreements made by nation leaders that have not made it to ratification. Initiative by the government and leading opinion providers need to be better dealt with.
  • Solid waste has not been prioritized in most countries because it, like climate change, has delayed effects which could hinder policy making. Considering that solid waste is evident in every human inhabited country of the world, the impacts need to be mitigated. Solid waste effects are too serious to merely adapt to.

Now onto the research.

Throughout the research process, I would constantly go back to the Waste Atlas to visualize my findings. There are some great charts and interactive maps available for reference. Here are a few examples from the Waste Atlas. The first map shows the lack of data available in almost half the world when it comes to municipal solid waste collected and proportion of total municipal solid waste generated. The darker shades of purple show that most of the waste generated is collected.


This graph shows the correlation between collection coverage and the human development index in 120 countries. Again, there is a lack of data to cover the whole globe but a linear relationship is evident regardless.



Here are some excerpts that I think reflect my research and findings:

Informal Sector:

Waste is mainly disposed of in landfills with high income countries, whereas open pits and illegal dumping are most common in low income countries (Wilson 247).  There are high discrepancies between waste management strategies in developed and developing countries where different stakeholders dominate. The informal sector collects municipal solid waste without being financed or recognized by the formal sector, deeming them illegitimate (242). These groups are entirely market driven meaning they collect waste, separate it, and sell it as a means of subsistence. This practice of door to door recovery is very common in developing countries where access to waste collection is low as a result of little government initiative (Zhang et al. 1626). In countries with large inequality gaps, it is expected that the informal sector will dominate. In China, there are double the amount of people practicing in the informal sector as there are in the formal, where the concentration of the waste pickers lies on the west side of the country (1628). This is evident when wealth distribution is considered throughout the nation. The bulk of China’s major metropolitans and business centers are concentrated along the east coast of the country which in turn, is directly correlated with the efficiency of waste collection services by the formal sector (1628). China is a significant force in studying waste management considering they house the greatest population globally, and are growing exponentially in economic development deeming them invincible when it comes to waste generation. The weight of management that policy makers have to carry is in this case, of great importance.

Organic Waste and Landfills:

Since there is no universal formula for the placement of landfills, incinerators or recycling plants, the effects from disposal sites are wide ranging depending on the surrounding environment. Although they are generally constructed away from residential areas to reduce the impact of noise, air and odor pollution, there are still exceptions to this convention in many parts of the undeveloped world. With landfills, their placement could include factors of convenience, land use, or environmental protection depending on the governing body. In developed countries, landfills are typically engineered to mitigate environmental impacts. For example, the barrier between the waste and soil pit is necessary to drain leachate from the landfill. Leachate is the leftover water contents of solid waste which has the potential to worsen with poor weather conditions, which is why landfills are typically covered. It drains to the bottom of the landfill and without a membrane to shield the soil, it will seep through the soil layers. This can negatively affect biodiversity, soil fertility, and groundwater supply (Zhang et al. 1629). Materials that contain high moisture content is most commonly organic waste, so it is suggested that the increase in food waste will have detrimental impacts on the environment (Song et al. 202-203). Depending on the disposal method and waste composition, various spheres of the environment are effected. Landfills in North America would have different impacts than landfills in Asia or Africa because of waste composition.  In developing countries where the bulk of waste is composed of organic materials, air pollution also becomes a problem along with the leachate issues. It is mainly food waste that is being disposed of when organic composition is high and when organic waste decomposes anaerobically, that is without oxygen, methane is emitted (203). Biogas is treated in state of the art landfills, but since developing countries lack the technology and funds to treat methane gas, it is often uncontained. In the United States, landfill gas contributes 17% of the total methane emitted. Methane gas is environmentally lethal being more than 25 times as potent as carbon dioxide (203); the greatest contributor to global warming. Organic waste in landfills alone contributes to climate change, air pollution, soil degradation, human and animal health, and groundwater pollution as noted in the example of leachate. As a result, the state of the Earth is altered creating new challenges for policy makers.  This raises questions as to what effect organic waste might have on the environment when it is burned, recycled or composted. Or to deepen the understanding of landfills, what would happen if plastics and packaging materials were to dominate landfill composition like it does in North America and Europe?

Zero Waste Concept:

To counter the increasing waste generation, the concept of zero waste has been widely adopted to promote recycling and product redesign (Song et al. 199). The theory being that material flow is circular with no components being sent to landfills or incinerators makes this concept appear utopian. Although the practice has been implemented in a number of countries, cities and companies with exceptional results, zero waste has not yet become mainstream. A few examples of zero waste adopters include the cities of Adelaide, Australia, and San Francisco, California, as well as companies like Coca Cola and Subaru US (204). All these corporations have made considerable efforts to minimize their waste generation either by the implementation of policy, reducing packaging waste, or recycling materials. Vancouver has also demonstrated progress in their goal of zero waste by 2020. Most recent data shows that the city has diverted 23% of waste from landfills or incinerators; nearly the halfway point of their goal to reduce waste disposal by 50% from 2008 levels (Zero Waste). Although efforts are being made, the timeline is troubling and at this point in the Greenest City Plan, it is unlikely that waste diversion will meet the nearing deadline. Regardless, this is a remarkable improvement compared to many other cities or countries who have not adopted any waste goals.

I came to the conclusion that solid waste management is not a problem that can be solved with technology (shocking). To mitigate the effects that waste has on the environment, economy, and humanity it is necessary for local authorities and governments to initiate action plans. Without the support of the government, citizens will not think waste is a problem that needs solving. It is equally important to include service users, that is people who use waste collection services to develop an effective strategy. When it comes to public services, people want to be aware and involved with government action. Educating the public on the health impacts are important, especially in developing countries where the most biogas and dumping occurs.

The full paper is available to read on a separate post if you are further interested in my research and conclusions.

Works Cited

Guerrero, Lilliana A., et al. “Solid Waste Management Challenged for Cities in Developing Countries.” Waste Management, vol. 33, no. 1, Jan. 2013, pp. 220-32,, Accessed 21 Nov. 2016.

Song, Qingbin, et al. “Minimizing the Increasing Solid Waste Through Zero Waste Strategy.” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 104, Oct. 2015, pp. 199-210,, Accessed 21 Nov. 2016.

Wilson, David C., et al. “Comparative Analysis of Solid Waste Management in 20 Cities.” Waste Management & Research, vol. 30, no. 3, Mar. 2012, pp. 237-54, doi: 10.1177/073424X12437569, Accessed 21 Nov. 2016.

“Zero Waste.” City of Vancouver, 2016, Accessed 21 Nov. 2016.

Zhang, Dong Q., et al. “Municipal Solid Waste Management in China: Status, Problems, and Challenges.” Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 91, no. 8, Aug. 2010, pp. 1623-33,, Accessed 21 Nov. 2016.


Solid Waste Report (in full)

There are few reservations in leading opinions that suggest globalization has created a new paradigm of resource management with the daunting digital revolution, open door policies, trade agreements, and transnational corporations that have spread from all corners of the Earth. With a greater influence from the global north, countries that were once dependent on primitive sources of subsistence, that is agriculture, are now switching to manufacturing and production as a means of global contribution and sustenance. Globalization has been heavily examined in the scholarly community from both positive and negative viewpoints. Indeed the integration of countries through time and space compression is remarkable, but heavy western influence has its consequences. Citizens of developing countries crave a higher standard of living through the everlasting impressions western societies leave on them. They have the most to gain and the least to lose in opening their domestic markets for foreign investment. Rapid globalization is increasingly correlated with a rising standard of living in less developed countries (Griswold), which leaves disastrous footprints all over the environment. Waste generation is the exemplifier of globalization’s pitfalls in that no economic activity can succeed without leaving a long trail of waste composed of every industry thinkable. The commonality of this problem has not always been so prevalent though. It was not until the Industrial Revolution that solid waste management really geared up its efforts. Until that point in history, waste was generally composed of organic materials, mainly food waste because packaging material, e-waste, and plastics were not yet revolutionizing the world. The population was exponentially lower while the American dream was practically unattainable. Waste was generally land filled in rural areas, or openly burned to reduce volume. In some cases, recycling was practiced and composting was essentially nonexistent. The world has undergone irreversible change since those pre-industrial times and with that comes a new paradigm of waste management.

The complexity of the global waste problem can be organized using the model proposed by the European Environment Agency commonly referred to as the DPSIR framework. The purpose of this framework is to study the linkages between drivers, pressures, states, impacts, and responses of an environmental issue to provide a sound summary for policy makers to enact on (Kristensen). By unpacking the waste problem in this manner, the complexity is eased while a fuller understanding is provided. This paper will examine the magnitude of the global solid waste problem by applying the DSPIR framework to determine the potency and plethora of issues that will arise in the future. Drivers will first be analyzed to understand how solid waste management developed since the Industrial Revolution. In meeting a need comes the exertion of pressures, and in this case, it is human activities that will be discussed as the result of driving forces. As mentioned, human activities always leave a trail of evidence behind, so the condition of the environment is likely affected. With increased waste generation, waterways, soil, air, and human livelihood are all altered. This change in environmental state creates an impact on all aspects of life including but not limited to the economy, health, social relations, and happiness. As a result, people respond to the unwanted change in their environment either by mitigation or adaptation. The complexity of the waste problem lies in the linkages between these framework themes, thus they will be further examined throughout this discussion.

Solid waste like many other environmental or societal issues became a problem as a result of human activities. The great acceleration that rocked the Earth with exponential growth in population left behind a mountain of garbage, and a key issue that arose was that this waste had nowhere to go. Population, urbanization, and economic development in the form of industrialization are the main drivers of solid waste generation (Zhang 1623), while public health, environment, and resource management are the drivers of solid waste management (Wilson 238). Both generation and management will be specifically discussed to develop a holistic view of the problem because waste not only lies with the people who create it, but also with the people who dispose of it. Many studies will agree that the growth of population, economic development, and urbanization in the context of higher living standards are the reasons we face solid waste as a problem today. Population has surpassed seven billion people and is not expected to plateau for decades to come. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, population had not reached one billion, therefore this seven fold increase in bodies has without a doubt increased the amount of solid waste. Global integration through development and urbanization heightens waste generation with the outsourcing of manufacturing, and the physical transportation of waste from cities to less developed countries. With regards to the management drivers, public health was the first pressure to trigger management systems. Public health emerged throughout industrialization where environment and resource management arose in the late 20th century (238). This would imply that solutions have been sought for centuries without much progress.

Although solid waste is a pressing issue in the modern era, the problem that has caused the most limitations to waste generation and management is the lack of reliable and consistent data available from all countries (237).  It is much easier to measure drivers such as population or GDP to derive predictions on the state of solid waste, but it is nearly impossible to collect consistent data directly about waste. Every country handles waste in a different manner while some are unable to handle the waste problem at all. There are many quantitative indicators of waste management including per capita generation rate, collection rate, and proportion of population with access to collection services among others. The figures for these indicators are available in many developed countries but practically nonexistent throughout Asia and Africa where global population is concentrated.

Waste is a global issue and is not limited to the borders of cities or countries contrary to the fact that solid waste is generally municipally managed. It is necessary to collect reliable data to determine where the problem is concentrated and where management focus should be directed. It could be assumed that developing countries are waste hot spots because of the lack of financial and governmental resources, but studies have suggested that some cities in low income countries have developed sustainable waste solutions as a result of strong political commitment such as Belo Horizonte in Brazil, Quezon City in the Philippines, or the highly dense city of Kunming in China (252). This demonstrates the need for consistent data to properly assess the waste situation in all corners of the world. There are far too many discrepancies in the global waste problem when it comes to quantitative data. Consistent waste data has the potential to reflect the quality of a city management system, therefore the lack of reliable data suggests that most management jurisdictions are underperforming their role (253). It is also suggested that the lack of data in low income countries is a result of the inequality gap where the impoverished communities are not adequately managed or prioritized. Collecting these numbers is critical to approaching the global waste problem because while the science behind waste is lacking in efficiency, population, urbanization, and economic development continue to expand.

With the source of the problem identified – increasing globalization and the lack of reliable data – the next logical step is to overview what is being done to neutralize these issues in accordance to the DPSIR model. In general, waste can be disposed of in four ways: landfill, recycling, composting, and incineration. These practices vary across the world depending on infrastructure, technology available, and waste type. In meeting the needs of solid waste management, governance and funding seem to be the biggest hurdles to overcome while the entities who handle these problems are unclear. There are a variety of stakeholders who handle the growing waste problem in very different ways. Studies have sought to identify stakeholders in waste management and concluded that they range from national and local governments, to city corporations down to the individual household (Guerrero et al. 231). Waste problems have been addressed by various stakeholders as a result of pressures on the environment, land use, and emissions of chemicals into waterways, air, and soil.

Waste is mainly disposed of in landfills with high income countries, whereas open pits and illegal dumping are most common in low income countries (Wilson 247).  There are high discrepancies between waste management strategies in developed and developing countries where different stakeholders dominate. The informal sector collects municipal solid waste without being financed or recognized by the formal sector, deeming them illegitimate (242). These groups are entirely market driven meaning they collect waste, separate it, and sell it as a means of subsistence. This practice of door to door recovery is very common in developing countries where access to waste collection is low as a result of little government initiative (Zhang et al. 1626). In countries with large inequality gaps, it is expected that the informal sector will dominate. In China, there are double the amount of people practicing in the informal sector as there are in the formal, where the concentration of the waste pickers lies on the west side of the country (1628). This is evident when wealth distribution is considered throughout the nation. The bulk of China’s major metropolitans and business centers are concentrated along the east coast of the country which in turn, is directly correlated with the efficiency of waste collection services by the formal sector (1628). China is a significant force in studying waste management considering they house the greatest population globally, and are growing exponentially in economic development deeming them invincible when it comes to waste generation. The weight of management that policy makers have to carry is in this case, of great importance.

The increase of human intervention leaves the environment irreversibly changed raising new problems for micro and macro management systems. Each method of disposal leaves unwanted change on the biosphere. Since there is no universal formula for the placement of landfills, incinerators or recycling plants, the effects from disposal sites are wide ranging depending on the surrounding environment. Although they are generally constructed away from residential areas to reduce the impact of noise, air and odor pollution, there are still exceptions to this convention in many parts of the undeveloped world. With landfills, their placement could include factors of convenience, land use, or environmental protection depending on the governing body. In developed countries, landfills are typically engineered to mitigate environmental impacts. For example, the barrier between the waste and soil pit is necessary to drain leachate from the landfill. Leachate is the leftover water contents of solid waste which has the potential to worsen with poor weather conditions, which is why landfills are typically covered. It drains to the bottom of the landfill and without a membrane to shield the soil, it will seep through the soil layers. This can negatively affect biodiversity, soil fertility, and groundwater supply (Zhang et al. 1629). Materials that contain high moisture content is most commonly organic waste, so it is suggested that the increase in food waste will have detrimental impacts on the environment (Song et al. 202-203). Depending on the disposal method and waste composition, various spheres of the environment are effected. Landfills in North America would have different impacts than landfills in Asia or Africa because of waste composition.  In developing countries where the bulk of waste is composed of organic materials, air pollution also becomes a problem along with the leachate issues. It is mainly food waste that is being disposed of when organic composition is high and when organic waste decomposes anaerobically, that is without oxygen, methane is emitted (203). Biogas is treated in state of the art landfills, but since developing countries lack the technology and funds to treat methane gas, it is often uncontained. In the United States, landfill gas contributes 17% of the total methane emitted. Methane gas is environmentally lethal being more than 25 times as potent as carbon dioxide (203); the greatest contributor to global warming. Organic waste in landfills alone contributes to climate change, air pollution, soil degradation, human and animal health, and groundwater pollution as noted in the example of leachate. As a result, the state of the Earth is altered creating new challenges for policy makers.  This raises questions as to what effect organic waste might have on the environment when it is burned, recycled or composted. Or to deepen the understanding of landfills, what would happen if plastics and packaging materials were to dominate landfill composition like it does in North America and Europe?

These seemingly endless issues need proper management and strategic action to minimize the stress on the biosphere. Once the state of the Earth is modified and the impacts on the environment, economy, and humanity are felt, authorities will finally address the problems. It must be noted that efficient waste management is not a simple task for policy makers. Waste management is largely interdisciplinary with performance factors involving technology, environment, finance, law, and institutional frameworks among many (Guerrero et al. 221). It is suggested that local and national governments are the most important actor because they have the power to implement regulations in addition to provisioning them (223), but it has also been argued that sustainable solid waste management needs to be decentralized to encompass all participants (Zhang et al. 1631). This would imply that citizens are equally important in the waste management system. Studies show that waste separation is noticeably better when participants are involved in the decision making process (Guerrero et al. 224). In theory, this appears to be a simple task but addressing the issue of waste diversion to every household that has access to waste collection is problematic. Similar to the governing body’s attitude on waste, citizens must also demonstrate interest in waste management in order to participate effectively. Support and infrastructure are the two loaded problems of waste collection, transfer and transport (225). Support is needed from all branches of stakeholders including governments, municipal leaders, service users, and service providers. If there is no unity among these stakeholders with their views on waste management, progress will be delayed. In addition to support, infrastructure in the form of roads and equipment are needed to boost efficiency. Without these structures to back waste management, it is likely that people will take disposal into their own control meaning there will be an increase in illegal dumping and open burning of combustible materials especially in the global south.

To counter the increasing waste generation, the concept of zero waste has been widely adopted to promote recycling and product redesign (Song et al. 199). The theory being that material flow is circular with no components being sent to landfills or incinerators makes this concept appear utopian. Although the practice has been implemented in a number of countries, cities and companies with exceptional results, zero waste has not yet become mainstream. A few examples of zero waste adopters include the cities of Adelaide, Australia, and San Francisco, California, as well as companies like Coca Cola and Subaru US (204). All these corporations have made considerable efforts to minimize their waste generation either by the implementation of policy, reducing packaging waste, or recycling materials. Vancouver has also demonstrated progress in their goal of zero waste by 2020. Most recent data shows that the city has diverted 23% of waste from landfills or incinerators; nearly the halfway point of their goal to reduce waste disposal by 50% from 2008 levels (Zero Waste). Although efforts are being made, the timeline is troubling and at this point in the Greenest City Plan, it is unlikely that waste diversion will meet the nearing deadline. Regardless, this is a remarkable improvement compared to many other cities or countries who have not adopted any waste goals.

Zero waste principles suggest that the greatest means of reducing waste is to not produce it at all. This is called waste prevention or source reduction (Song et al. 208). It works to utilize goods that are not hindered by planned obsolescence. In purchasing durable goods that are minimally packaged, recycling and reusing are easier practices. To achieve zero waste, efforts must surpass recycling, and address the need to prevent waste from being produced altogether. The main goal of implementing this seemingly impossible concept is to trigger lifestyle change and appreciation for nature. Through these changes in behavior, it is possible to reduce solid waste from entering our landfills and poisoning the ecosystem that is meant to support us.

Although the problem seems to be worsening in many parts of the world, there is still a glimmer of hope for those who want to succeed. For this to happen, the key issues of population growth, globalization, and good governance must be addressed to effectively mitigate the global waste problem. Policymakers and municipal authorities are encouraged to study these issues in relation to waste management to develop new and reliable data. Effective strategy lies in the relationship between citizens and power structures where cooperation on decision making is critical. The global waste problem cannot be addressed simply by implementing western technologies in developing countries. Waste management is dependent upon the suitability of technology, the financial ability of the local government, and the knowledge that exists on waste systems (Wilson et al. 263). Solutions must be custom made to complement local cultures and traditions. An example of this practice can be demonstrated with the informal sector. There is future potential for the informal sector to coalesce with the government to boost waste collection and save money on expenditures simultaneously. Since these waste pickers are entirely market driven, it is possible that in recognizing their efforts, governments can save money on their waste budgets. With waste being recycled into the local economy, governments do not have to spend as much on final disposal. Studies show that the informal sector has helped some less developed countries save more than 20% of their waste management budget (249). Surely, this practice could spread to other municipalities and governing authorities.

The future for solid waste management depends entirely on policy changes. These changes encompass new regulations, implementation of action plans like zero waste, and the incorporation of public opinion on waste solutions. In meeting the needs of a complicated management system, it is probable that new issues will arise but real change cannot be felt without some sacrifices in urban growth and economic development. Luckily, there are organizational frameworks like the DPSIR model that reinforce connections between different components of environmental issues. These linkages help to clarify the confusion that surrounds socioeconomic and sociocultural setbacks like waste management. Indeed, there is a long road ahead of us but these challenges must be dealt with in order to avoid being buried alive in garbage.

Works Cited

Griswold, Daniel. “The Blessings and Challenges of Globalization.” CATO Institute, 1 Sept. 2000, Accessed 21 Nov. 2016.

Guerrero, Lilliana A., et al. “Solid Waste Management Challenged for Cities in Developing Countries.” Waste Management, vol. 33, no. 1, Jan. 2013, pp. 220-32,, Accessed 21 Nov. 2016.

Kristensen, Peter. “The DPSIR Framework.” National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark, Sept. 2004, Accessed 21 Nov. 2016.

Song, Qingbin, et al. “Minimizing the Increasing Solid Waste Through Zero Waste Strategy.” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 104, Oct. 2015, pp. 199-210,, Accessed 21 Nov. 2016.

Wilson, David C., et al. “Comparative Analysis of Solid Waste Management in 20 Cities.” Waste Management & Research, vol. 30, no. 3, Mar. 2012, pp. 237-54, doi: 10.1177/073424X12437569, Accessed 21 Nov. 2016.

“Zero Waste.” City of Vancouver, 2016, Accessed 21 Nov. 2016.

Zhang, Dong Q., et al. “Municipal Solid Waste Management in China: Status, Problems, and Challenges.” Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 91, no. 8, Aug. 2010, pp. 1623-33,, Accessed 21 Nov. 2016.

cartography work

I have always been interested in the extremes of the environment because it gives us an idea of what the worse case scenario can be. I read a few articles and journals last year regarding the melting of sea ice, and most of them agreed that in the event that the ENTIRE cryosphere melted (Antarctica, Arctic, Greenland etc.), there would be an increase of 80 meters in sea level. Indeed, this is an extreme scenario, but it made me curious to see what Vancouver would look like with that rise, so I mapped it out.

The first map shows areas of Vancouver affected by the rise. Pardon the messy labeling in the southeast corner of the map. I was still learning how to work GIS at the time. As you can see, most of the city is underwater with a few landmasses still peaking through. It is unlikely that we will experience this situation in our lifetimes, but it does indicate what our great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren and so on will have to endure.


I simplified the first map to showcase my self entitled “Vancouver Archipelago”. This collection of islands will hopefully never exist for the sake of humanity and this beautiful city. To get a sense of the geography, I labeled the “islands” with corresponding neighborhoods. I want to stress that this map is displaying an extremely extreme situation sans mitigation efforts, so the challenge to comprehend the likeliness of this event was my goal in creating it. Most people do not realize the devastating effects of sea level rise, so my intention with this map was to make people question it and as you examine it, I hope you will too.


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