
This was probably my favorite course this term! At first, I took this for my requirement because the description sounded so interesting even though I had never heard about Romance Studies, and I am SO glad I took that chance because I thoroughly not only enjoyed the content of this course, but also the structure which allowed me the freedom to really get engrossed in these novels and find an escape into novels that I will refer to from now until I can remember.

I loved how different each novel was, and also how uniquely insightful each was whether it be historically or commenting on human nature and the human condition. It really pushed me to read again (and now I am obsessed and fully back into reading fiction – so thank you!!), and also was very inspiring and now has me wanting to write my own novels as well! (If I ever do, I will accredit this course).

I loved getting to tap into the heart of the histories that I was not previously aware of. It wasn’t a straightforward textbook outline of historical events but rather a philosophical one entrenched in literature. I’m also now more interested in history and so aware of how much knowledge I lack.

I want to thank you for creating and teaching such an impactful and exciting course! This is definitely a course I will remember throughout my life and one that really helped me this term find an escape. Overall, this course was very beneficial to my learning, and my continued learning.

3 Thoughts.

  1. “to tap into the heart of histories” – very poetic, Nandita!

    And, not only did you enjoy the novels, but you were left inspired to write your own. Amazing! Was this already an idea in mind, or was it completely inspired by the stories we read?

  2. Hi Nandita! Thank you for your post. I too loved how different each novel was and I agree that it got me back into enjoying reading fiction. So often when I’m busy with classes throughout the year I tell myself I don’t have time to read fiction (when it’s not required for one of my courses) but I realized I love reading so much that I need to make time!
    -Mackenzie Dewar-Pratt

  3. Hey Nandita, I totally agree that a strength of this course was the unique analysis of each book, I have never read so many books that questioned the human condition, it’s opened my eyes to a million new questions! I’ll look out for that book you write one day 🙂

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