a short consideration that we should take about the economic spectulation

It is known to all that the damage to the Asian country in the Asia Economic Crisis was immeasurable. It led to the happy life of many innocent Asian people in ruin. One of the direct reasons of the misery was the inflow of the hot money led by George Soros.

It came to a nightmare when the stockholders, farmers and workers thinking about how to spend the money they had exchanged by their perspiration, traveling to Europe? Or buy a brand new Benz car? The hot money started to inflow and make the gain of money a lot easier than any time before, and disappeared even faster. Soros sold the THB out and made THB devalued. It completely turned the market and economy in Thailand in a mess and eventually went down.The next victims should be Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and finally HK. The poor people could not help but could only to watch the “great” trick —moving out of their resources and treasure and vanish them.

We can’t say that the action Mr. Soros took is illegal, however the consequences he achieved was lugubrious. This makes no deference from robbery. It is truth that some bugs of the economic system did exist, but by what means did Mr. Soros overcome the blame and nightmare from all Asian people at the night before finally made the decision to attack on Asian economy?

Economy is to help people manage their scarce resources to maximize the profit and welfare to the society. So the sense of responsibility is a necessity for all Econ Scholars and Economists

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