The Way Tencent Led to the Success

Tencent is now the most well-known and popular IT company in China. If you want me to show how popular could it be, only one figure is far enough to be convinced——-the active account on QQ,the flagship product of Tencent,  reached 0.59 billion in 2009 and was in an considerable rate to increase.When Tencent was firstly set up in 1998, there were only a small office filled with a few people and roaring machines. But when it comes to 2013, Tencent has been the number 1 IT company which involves mass communication, community building, entertainment,and commercial platform. The information on Tencent’s websites, QQzones, Tencent microblogs, Paipai online trading has been needed or even necessary by millions of people in China.

The start of the effect was based on the strategy—platform building. Tencent uses QQ Chat as the flagship product to attract customers,then they build their QQzones(like personal homepage) to enrich their online life with the byproducts like QQgames,QQ music, QQpet and etc. These elements totally take the online life of the netizens,therefore the platform has been built successfully. So on, multiple project was built on the basis with which information and agendas could be sent directly to the customers effectively.

Now, a war of information transmission was on in the IT companies, the one who’s better at that will obviously take the lead. And the model of the platform which Tencent used could be adapted and applied in many of the cases in the future.

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