The Revenue Stream of A Football Club

When I was younger, I looked up at the newspaper that football player Zalatan Ibrahimovic transfered to Barca with 4.6 million euros. I wonderd how could they get so much money and spent it on a single player, does he worth that much? Football must be a royal sports.

However, when I grew up and tried to do a research on that, things becoming clear.

Television relaying fee takes up an important part of the income stream for a football club. Take my favorite team Chelsea FC as an example, Chelsea got about $55 million on television relaying bonus sharing. Besides, the bonus for The Premier League is relatively high, Chelsea got $16 million for being the 3rd place in The premier League.

After all, those business activities are count to the revenue. Some of the famous team could get more that 1 million dollars each time when they attend exhibition matches and so on. Fan articles do make sense, thousans of team uniform were sold and that will take up a lot.

Sponsorship could noy be an neglectable factor.

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