

My three favourite posts I’ve done so far!

Assignment 2.2

This post was the one I had the most fun with, I stretched by creative writing abilities with this and enjoyed the process. Though I’m not the best writer the act of recounting a day in the life of my family to try and show what I feel and how I value our time together just filled me with warmth!

Assignment 2.4

For this post I was answering Question #1, about King and his view on creation stories. I talked about the meaning and power of dichotomies and how King forces us to consider the value and messages behind these types of stories to determine which we wish to embrace, rather than relying on the idea of what is real and true. So by him making us choose after the way he presents the stories, he wants us to choose based on inherent values and goals we wish to see in our world, to understand the stories before making an inherent choice of what is true or not. I found this topic to be really interesting and the comments I received on this post were some of the most interesting ones I had gotten.

Assignment 2.6

For this post I answered Question #1, about Robinson’s story, “Coyote Makes a Deal with the King of England” in his novel Living by Stories. I talked about how the prose style reminded my of play scripts and their empathizes on performance over reading. Expanding on the different ways that I engaged with the story depending on if I was the reader or the listener.

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