About Me

What to say about myself? Well, I suppose the basics: I’m in my ‘last year’ at Sauder and looking forward, but not really looking forward to finishing up and facing the real world. My major is in marketing, with a little entrepreneurship, accounting and visual arts in there. I never really wanted to be in business. I wanted to be a costume designer or a fashion designer when I was little. Actually all the way until grade 12. And then I found myself at UBC (my dads a prof so I had to come to UBC), in arts and not really knowing what to do. So somehow I ended up thinking business would be good background knowledge for being a fashion designer, plus I really liked math and thats what I thought business was about… ha. Then I found Marketing and it was a match made in heaven: creativity plus numbers. PERFECT.

So where does all the sustainability come in? Well, I’m not sure why but I’ve always had a little bit of an inner hippie. I like to recycle. I like to do green things. I like to take the bus (when itsĀ convenient). I like carpooling. I like turning off the lights. My dad likes to keep the fridge door closed – were not allowed to look in the fridge “we need to know what we want before we open it” – conserve electricity! I grew up with a cabin that has no running water, electricity and is boat access only. Its pretty cool. But its taught me ALOT about alternative resources, like collecting our water from the stream and rain, composting toilets and candle light! So I guess, since I’m a little bit of a hippie and want to make the world a greener place, I wanted to learn more about how businesses can grow sustainably and not just profitably.

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