nataliecheung's blog

legacy costs.

December 4th, 2010 · No Comments

“The cost of retiree pension, health, insurance, and other benefits to an employer.”

Ratio of retirees to working-age population
2010: 35.5%
2020: 48%
2050: 76.4%

this rate seems is frightening.

Imagine this.
In just 10 years, every worker has to support one elderly.
that means the taxes will continuously increase to provide better healthcare.. and stuff like that.

wait a minute.
in a decade, I will be 28.
that means, I AM THE WORKER

the only comfort i can get out of this is that the projected rate i have listed above are for にほん;日本 JAPAN.
Maybe i should reconsider taking Japanese 101 next semester and stop looking at possible options of working in japan.

But really, this isn’t just happening to Japan, I am sure that almost every country is facing the exact same problem,
with a low birth rate, the ratio will just keep increasing.

So how exactly should we solve the legacy cost problem?
provide better education so that the new generation can hopefully generate more revenue and more groundbreaking inventions to solve this crisis?
turn to international institutions for help?
get people to work for a longer period of time so there is more money to support the elderly?
there really isnt A solution to this.
We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

or maybe the world will come to and end before that.
“21.12.2012” – Mayan predictions

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