nataliecheung's blog


December 5th, 2010 · No Comments

young people who joined the London chef apprenticeship scheme in 2002.

and thats the start of another social enterprise.
Jamie Oliver can be called a social entrepreneur, and a successful one at that.

We talked about measuring success as a social entrepreneur in class.
Creating value and improving the society is hard to measure.
but i would definitely consider what Jamie Oliver did as creating value

He trains young people that have a passion for something else other than boring economics and commerce courses
just kidding.

He sets up apprenticeship programs for young people ranging from the age of 18-24.
Instilling a sense of hope and opportunity for their future.

He educates them about the importance of nutritious food and having a balanced diet.
Promoting a more healthy lifestyle.

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In the video, the teenagers are very grateful for this opportunity to improve their life and their future.
Their gratitude shows that Jamie Oliver is successful as a social entrepreneur.

As mentioned in his website, the profits goes towards the scheme.
So basically whatever revenue the company makes, deducting the costs.

how do we define the costs?

there is a fine line there.
and many social entrepreneurs have to ensure that they dont use this as a chance of earning extra money.

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