nataliecheung's blog

the end, for now..

December 5th, 2010 · No Comments

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so much insight, in just one video.

I agree that the way the society is structured, we learn to be more future orientated.
we try to predict the future, and we accelerate learning by inventing tools to aid in our daily processess.

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with tools like that, we might not even need experts anymore.
we can just put on the googles, and we’ll be able to fix anything, do everything ourselves.

take a look at this,
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this video was made in 2001
and HP has achieved many of their projected prototypes

one of the key tools that innovators use is the concept of future back
future back is when inventors imagine what the future holds and what the future can look like.

innovators. creators. entrepreneurs.
this is what business school is teaching me.
at the end of this, i get a career that is full of risks.
full of different opportunities.
full of unpredictability.
and this is what i appreciate.
new challenges instead of routined work.

on the last day of classes, or actually on 2nd December,
i realized that comm 101 has finally came to an end.
all the challenging cases and business plans are done.
it has opened my “door of opportunity” and built my “toolkit” to prepare me for the many different options that i can go into.
and it has taught me many things, ranging from finance to social ethics to marketing.

and this is the 10th blog post.
finally done.
now to work on the mindmap plus reflective paper,
and after im done that, maybe i wont hate comm 101 that much.

because through it all,
I have learnt so much.

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