nataliecheung's blog

Greatest Lesson Learned From Someone Else

March 20th, 2011 · No Comments

I have learnt many things from my grandfather.
but the greatest one would be keeping family ties strong.

Since my grandfather has 4 brothers and 5 sisters, its without a doubt that i have a huge family.
Being brought up in a chinese family, there was great emphasis on family ties.
Every chinese new year, my family would gather at my granduncle’s house to celebrate.
Over these 3 days, we find ourselves immersed in the chinese spirit, decked out in red and receiving red packets.
I enjoy receiving money, well who doesn’t?
and the endless table of food and snacks..
it cant get any better than that can it?

but what i failed to realize was what i really liked was the atmosphere.
I actually only learnt this a few months ago…
I was on skype with my family in singapore during chinese new year.
While they were all enjoying themselves, i was in koerner library, studying for my accounting midterm the next day.
what a fun way to spend chinese new year isnt it?

Then it struck me how much i really missed talking to my relatives, how much fun it was just catching up on things that happened over the year.
and for that i learnt how important family ties are.
i truly understand what my grandfather meant everytime he talks about how it is crucial to attend all family gatherings.
and i am really glad that our family is close.

I am looking forward to visiting my family during the summer vacation and spending time with them..

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