nataliecheung's blog

what i learnt from comm 299

April 4th, 2011 · No Comments

For the first semester, we had to make speeches on a weekly basis.
Before taking this course, i was uncomfortable with making speeches in front of a group of people.
I was not confident of my ability to present about a given topic. However, as the weeks went by, i slowly gained more confidence, and ended up having no problems memorizing a speech and delivering it smoothly.

For the second semester, the weekly classes allowed me to learn how to present myself in front of an interviewer, and the different steps to take when preparing for an interview. We also learnt how to improve on our resumes and cover letter in order to make it suitable for each company.

Lastly, we learnt about the different ways to inform ourselves of the possible fit or conflict with each and every company. We should attend information sessions in order to learn more about the company and the working style and determine if it fits our own working style.

This course overall has been a very helpful course in preparing us for the business world, it allowed me to gain insights about how to success in the future.

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