nataliecheung's blog

January 14th, 2012 · 1 Comment

Marketing involves a wide combination of factors that helps to build a company’s brand. A company’s logo is one of the most essential aspect of attracting customers.

Famous logos involves

I’m pretty sure we are all able to recognize these logos easily. This ultimately means the company was successful in creating a memorable logo that consumers will remember.

Another aspect would be slogans.
Popular slogans involves:
I’m lovin’ it” for Mcdonalds
Just do it” for Nike
Nothing is impossible” for Adidas
Slogans are crucial for a company’s branding because a good slogan would stay in consumers’ minds and ultimately affect their decision when deciding between their company and other substitutes.
The best way to successfully promote a company’s product or service would be to create buzz and have many people talk about their brand and get their name out in the market.

A good reputation is a key factor for a company. However for companies that seem to get stuck in this constant circle of not being able to create that “good” reputation, a better way to solve this might be to embrace their consumer’s mindset and turn that negative into a positive.
An example would be the city of Las Vegas.
After repeatedly having an image of being a place of sin, the tourism board came up with an advertising campaign which included the slogan, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Since then, Las Vegas blossomed into one of the world’s most popular entertainment city with a high influx of tourists visiting this city.

With the right combination of logos, slogans and reputation, a company will be able to reach out and attract potential clients, retain existing customers and develop relationships with them to ensure their lifelong commitment to their company.

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1 response so far ↓

  • Natalie Shojania // Jan 18th 2012 at 5:01 pm

    Nike, McDonalds and Apple are 3 of the most powerful brands. They’re used in examples in upper year marketing classes as well- all of them have a logo or a slogan that doesn’t mention the brand name, yet they’re quickly identifiable. Great job relating this to the tourism industry

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