nataliecheung's blog

February 6th, 2012 · 1 Comment

I read hyundeok’s blog and funny enough, I was the “friend” who she was walking with on campus when we both came across a man scantily dressed, dancing on a podium in the cold vancouver weather. His brave attempts of dancing solo in nothing but his underwear definitely caught many students’ attention, something which is pretty hard considering the number of advertisements we get exposed to on a daily basis. Unfortunately for him, i grabbed the piece of pamphlet informing me of used book sales but i threw that paper away at the nearest garbage bin. His admirable effort is wasted. I wouldnt even have remembered what the paper said if not for reading it in hyundeok’s blog.

I agree that many shops now use interesting ways to attract consumers’ attention. A famous example would be A&F/Hollister

These male models equipped with their six pacs and their charming smile (and of course, A&F/Hollister clothes) is definitely a charm to many potential clients (girls/women…)
This has became a tradition, a culture of their company. Whenever a new shop has its first opening, there will definitely be male models present. Whether this is an inappropriate use of marketing depends on the individual customers.

As for me, well i have no complains.
An extra eye candy wont hurt.
And it seems to be garnering more and more exposure for the company effectively increasing their market share.

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