nataliecheung's blog

March 12th, 2012 · 1 Comment

I read and I could immediately relate to the blog post.

Every consumer that walks into the brightly lit apple shop will be greeted by the “geniuses” aka friendly staff donned in blue.

These staff possess a deep understanding of all the apple products and are always available if any customer needs extra help. Although there are a huge number of geniuses present, a customer never feels pressured to purchase any item and can even stand in the shop for hours just playing around with the product. This is what makes the apple store so appealing. No lingering staff that watch over your every move, allowing the product to “speak” for themselves.
At the back of the store, there are staffs that walk around with their iphones and address any problems that customers face with their products.
I recently brought in my ipad to an apple store because of the faulty sound system and within 20 minutes, i was walking out of the apple store with a brand new ipad. No fuss. Easy. I was satisfied.
So what else makes Apple so successful. Surely the store and staff aren’t enough to attract all their loyal fans.

Well the answer lies with the products itself. It is eyecatching and relatively simple to use.
With a sleek exterior
and their famous logo  donning every product, whats not to love?

But beware, for many companies are hot on their track, introducing products that have the same functions packaged in a nice design, yet have a lower price.Yet, maybe the price point is what is attractive. The prestigious image it gives off definitely makes it popular with many teenagers.

Although they do have a loyal base of consumers, Apple should definitely continue to innovate and come up with more interesting designs to catch the consumers’ eyes and not just come up with an improved version of their previous product in the same packaging. Such as the Iphone 4s from the Iphone 4 and The New Ipad from the Ipad 2. Consumers do get bored and with the increased competition, Apple has to deliver to not be left behind in this fast paced environment of technological devices as this could potentially cause Apple to lose their market share.

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1 response so far ↓

  • Natalie Shojania // Mar 13th 2012 at 12:05 pm

    It’s no doubt that Apple is a genius marketing company, especially with their employees. Just goes to show that marketing impacts all aspects of the company, including Human Resources!

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