nataliecheung's blog

Pepsi Commercials

October 10th, 2010 · No Comments

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I found these two commercials on youtube.
And i thought that it was funny.
But it might not be the case for others.

The topic of homosexuality has been a much discussed topic.
The first video where his friends had a shocked expression on their faces shows the general reaction when one hears about someone else’s homosexuality.
And in the second video, the mocking of the Japanese culture to win the soccer match might trigger unhappiness in the Japanese people

Yet this is part of pepsi’s campaign and marketing.
But how far can they carry the joke?
This concerns the ethic values of the company, and influences the packaging of their brand.

Youtube is another platform where videos can be spread rapidly.
I think that companies should definitely be careful of not offending their target audience through unsuitable underlying messages.

With the ever-increasing buyer’s power, an offended customer might choose to patronize another company causing them to not only lose new customers but old loyal customers as well.

In the case of Pepsi, its most formidable competition is Coca Cola. With commercials like the one above, its no wonder why Coca Cola is doing better than Pepsi.

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