nataliecheung's blog

Pepsi Commercials

October 10th, 2010 · No Comments

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I found these two commercials on youtube.
And i thought that it was funny.
But it might not be the case for others.

The topic of homosexuality has been a much discussed topic.
The first video where his friends had a shocked expression on their faces shows the general reaction when one hears about someone else’s homosexuality.
And in the second video, the mocking of the Japanese culture to win the soccer match might trigger unhappiness in the Japanese people

Yet this is part of pepsi’s campaign and marketing.
But how far can they carry the joke?
This concerns the ethic values of the company, and influences the packaging of their brand.

Youtube is another platform where videos can be spread rapidly.
I think that companies should definitely be careful of not offending their target audience through unsuitable underlying messages.

With the ever-increasing buyer’s power, an offended customer might choose to patronize another company causing them to not only lose new customers but old loyal customers as well.

In the case of Pepsi, its most formidable competition is Coca Cola. With commercials like the one above, its no wonder why Coca Cola is doing better than Pepsi.

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All that hard work for nothing?

October 10th, 2010 · No Comments

Dancers spend thousands of dollars for their dance training.
Countless hours practicing a dance routine.

and end up with a career.

A career with no plan.
A career with no old age pension.
An unstable career.

Maybe this is why I stopped dancing ballet after 10 years of training and decided to go to the Sauder School of Business at UBC.
Does UBC guarantee a better career than the Royal Academy of Dance?
Yes, I do believe so.

The industry is shaped in such a way that there isn’t an economy for dance. How many dance shows must one be part of in order to earn as much as one contract signed by a businessman?

However, the satisfaction of the job might be different. I would rather much spend an afternoon dancing than staying indoors and frantically finishing up my blog posts for comm 101.

But the truth is that the economy functions based on trading, economics, money, stocks. And dance is far from the list of that.
It can now only be seen as a hobby, an interest, but not a career option.

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Stocks, Hold, Sell or Buy?

October 10th, 2010 · No Comments

81 years after, is the stock market going to crash again?

Well the concept of stock market is still new to me. As the professors go through the ideas at the speed of which the stocks fluctuate, my mind attempts to comprehend all these words.

This article talks about the stock market, and how it’s heading for another crash. But what determines the crash? I would say one of the reasons is the unknowledgeable community playing the stock market. They buy stocks when the company is doing well, and sell them when the company starts hitting a crisis. Sounds logical isn’t it? But let me put it this way.


So what happens is that they are just throwing their money in while the stocks are expensive and then selling it when the company’s value decreases. It’s a loss right there.

But yet, thousands of people do it. This dumping of stocks will cause the company to plummet even further.

What about holding the stocks?

That doesn’t always work.

By the fall of 2010, if anyone has invested in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (for a decade) they would have earned a grand total of….


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media influences

October 10th, 2010 · No Comments

With Halloween around the corner, I have been asking myself what I want to dress up as.

Looking online, I see most of the “popular” costumes going along the hit events in 2010.

The media unquestionably plays a huge part in influencing the market. With the technological advancement, hype about a new song, or a new hit series can increase dramatically within a few hours.

Facebook is the most commonly used tool in today’s society. It provides a platform for users to share their ideas. With just one status such as “jersey shore is amazing”, there would be a spiraling effect influencing others to start watching the show.

That wouldn’t be bad news for companies because they can ride on this wave and produce merchandise (such as Halloween costumes) for these crazed fans.

But the point I am trying to make is that media influences the market. Along with every benefit, there comes with it a risk.
For example, my friend shared this picture on facebook.

This would cause our opinion of Film Garde to be significantly lower. We would then question their customer service and choose other ticketing counters. What caused this negative thinking? Just a mere picture.

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Business Ethics?

September 16th, 2010 · No Comments

So much for being environmentally friendly.

Our whole world is dying in our hands, and we fail attempt to save it by being green. But this dosent seem like the case for Chevron and its predecessor, Texaco.

Business ethics? This company has none barely any.

First they drill for oil leaving a huge mess behind, causing the Amazonian Indians to live on top of oil sludges. The exposure to these harmful chemicals has led to an escalation in diseases being contracted by the locals.

Next, they end up in a lawsuit where their brilliant unscrupulous lawyers cleverly moved the case to Ecuador where corruption within the justice system is far from unheard of.

Damaging the environment is no longer acceptable by progressive modern societies. The main issue here is that the company used underhand methods of bribery to get away with their unjust actions. There’s at least two flaws in their so called “business ethics”. I’m sure theres many more left uncovered.


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