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Forbes reports on the symbiotic relationship formed between Twitter and Television, that could help them save each other. This is encouraged by the rise  in smart phones, A new IDC Research Report suggests that “79% of people 18-44 have their smartphones with them 22 hours a day” and “49% of the U.S. population uses a smartphone”.  This use of smartphones allows  access to applications such as Twitter on a more regular basis.

Twitter allows events such as television programmes to be transformed into participatory events in which users can share opinions, jokes, discuss, etc. Twitter and Television are considered complements and act as ‘force multipliers’. This is due to the social connections twitter allows users to make regarding television programs which promote the television programs as well as twitter as a communication medium. This symbiotic relationship is successful for the following reasons:

  • Effective marketing tool (advertising platform)
  • Large customer base (According to Nielsen in 2013, 32 million Americans tweeted about TV)
  • Integration of Social Media

This article illustrates how different industries in the market place can act as complements and  encourage growth of each other. This demonstrates the importance of strategic partnerships and relationships, social media and reaching consumers in new innovative ways. As suggested in Keenan Manhas’ Blog, the Twitter IPO could see huge rewards due its value propositions aswell as interaction with television.


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