In 1976, three friends came together to develop a computer prototype deemed the Apple I. Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Ron Wayne have come a long way since then with the development of MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads. However, it is unlikely that they could have foreseen the empire that Apple would become today. After all, they never predicted their small computer business would expand into the automotive industry.
After dominating the technology market for years, Apple is trying their hand at producing cars. The project, code-named “Titan”, will be an electric car and is said to be shipped out in 2019. It will have CarPlay capabilities, which allows users to connect their iPhones and get directions, receive phone calls, and listen to music.
Although Apple is a multi-billion dollar company, the iCar is a risky venture and may result in huge losses for the business. Apple’s key competitor will be Tesla, as they are both producing electric vehicles for the same customer segment. The cars are rumoured to be similarly priced, giving an advantage to Tesla, who has already built a reputable band name. Apple is hoping their product differentiation through CarPlay will overcome customer’s loyalty to Tesla. Nonetheless, the iCar is still in the making and has a long ways to go before hitting the streets.
Global News: Would You Buy an iCar?
The Economist: From iPhones to iCars
The Wall Street Journal: Apple Targets Electric-Car Shipping Date for 2019