As the holiday season draws near, most retailers are incorporating seasonal merchandise into their production to prepare for the festivities. Starbucks is of no exception.

The franchise has become integrated into our society’s culture with their holiday cups marking the start of the festivities. This year, however, is causing quite a commotion due to the cups design..or lack of it for that matter. Simply a plain red cup, some customers claim that the brand is against Christmas and also, Christianity.

These claims are unjustifiable though, as Starbucks has always been providing generic winter themed designs: they do not associate with a specific religion in any form. Although some would argue that this is bad PR for the company, I believe that it will increase their sales. This issue has produced free advertising for the company as customers are sharing photos of the cup either mocking or sharing their opinion on the subject. Starbucks should take advantage of this buzz around their company and continue to utilize their position as a holiday icon.

CNN Money: Starbucks Red Cups Through the Years
Huffington Post: Some Christians Are Not Happy About Starbucks’ Holiday Cups
Wall Street Journal: Consumers Aren’t So Cheery about Starbucks’ Holiday Cup Controversy