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Nov 11 / Nataliia Kushnir

It’s all about self-monitoring

Not just individuals, but each company now tries to be presented in as many social networks as possible. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare, Flickr, Printerest…you name it. Thousands of posts, pictures, tags… Human memory is short even if you post your life on-line by your own, but company profile is managed by bunch of employees. How not to get lost in informational ocean of changeable data and still remember all the traces you left to cover them in case of emergency? There is a new great solution for such a purpose called Recollect.

This is a tool, which helps to archive all the up-dates, photos, comments and other information related to the profile from the several social networks and gives a possibility to download it to the computer like a zip-file. Another interesting feature of this service is the ability to search through the data you downloaded. Though, there are some other tools, maintaining this function, as, for example, CloudMagic, discussed in this my post. For now there are four supported social networks: Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare and Flickr, but developers will expand this list adding some more, Facebook being the first in the line.

This is a paid service, price is charging per month and varies according the amount of data downloaded. Three monthly plans are available (from $6 till $24/month), first month being free. Combining with HootSuite, this service can be a good addition to keep the on-line life of the company under control.

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