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Nov 15 / Nataliia Kushnir

Passionate niche for Paul Cubbon

“Who is John Galt?” – the famous opening line of Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged”. Only those who read all the three books in this trilogy know the answer. On the contrary, everyone in my E-marketing class knows, who Paul Cubbon is. He is a guy, who owns numerous amount of awesome indie T-shirts. Why am I talking about such random things? Because this post is about on-line based niche business, which combines literature and T-shirts and can be interested for guys like Paul.

Browsing around, I found the web-site of “Miles to Go”. It was started by Greg Kerr as one-man business, the on-line outlet of T-shirts, accessories and posters, designed under the influence of art and literature. Each T-shirt is a unique print, representing the cocktail of wearing and viewing pleasure, connected with novel name or certain character picture. Look at these masterpieces:

1)      H. G. Wells’s  “War of the Worlds

2)      “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac

3)      And my favorite “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley

Promoted by the social media, such as Facebook, Twitter as well as through fashion blogs, this brand quickly gained popularity among book nerds and marginal fashion followers. Through his blog on the company web-page Greg Kerr is promoting his rock-band. So now “Miles to Go” is no more just a shop, it’s a philosophy, which turns its fans into the community of art hedonists.

Today’s TechCrunch article reveals another start-up, which went even further. Litographs puts the entire books on the T-shirts. The project creator came up with this beautiful idea working as a data analyst for a software company. Kickstarter gave a good word of mouth to this initiative. Let’s see what it is about:

So now your favorite novel can be printed in the shape of nice picture and be bought just for $30, what a miracle!

Paul, how do you like this? I would definitely order one!

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