
JP Morgan is currently under investigation and public scrutiny due to accusations that the company hired family members of key political figures in order to receive their business in Asia. These actions are unethical because this can be interpreted as a form of bribery. By hiring these people JP Morgan is clearly risking the external threat of losing all their credibility for the opportunity of gaining new business through political favours. This may be hard to prove in court because it is true that it is solely the company’s discretion on who they hire but the underlying motivation behind these employees cannot be ignored. This can be viewed as morally unjust but that does not mean that this does not occur in other companies all across the globe. The point we then come too is this; if everyone is doing it does that make it ethically acceptable? The answer should be no, businesses should have to earn their money honestly but in today’s competitive economic atmosphere this may be an inconvenient task for some. Regardless of what is advantageous, all companies should have to adhere to a certain moral standard or else we will face economic anarchy.

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