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It has been revealed that in preparation for massive infrastructure projects for the 2022 World Cup, the nation of Qatar is allegedly using slave labor. These allegations surfaced after families of workers anonymously came forward with claims of thousands of deaths on the job, having their pay withheld and living in inhumane conditions. These immigrant workers are being severely taken advantage of and this racism is everything that FIFA has worked to eliminate in international soccer. If the global governing body of soccer does not take a stand against this exploitation they will essentially destroy their own value proposition and brand image. These rumours could seriously impact the credibility of the construction companies involved, Qatar as a nation and all of FIFA’s sponsors. Any association with this scandal will result in negative publicity and social outcry for change. In addition to the business partners of the World Cup, participating countries will certainly face a major decision in being a part of this tournament if it condones slave labor. It is unfortunate that lives had to be lost in order to shed light on a horrific reality that is said to have existed in this country for years.

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