Start Up Nation

The Israeli government has been fueling domestic innovation with a program aimed at enabling the “expertise and technology to survive” from worthy small businesses. The man in charge, Israel’s chief scientist of industry and trade, Avi Hasson relies on evaluations drawn from live appraisals of the business including their employees to assess their potential.

The key aspect of the advantage the government has in fuelling research and development as opposed to a single investor is they are not involved solely for the return. They take on the risk in the hopes of driving innovation for their country and are not financially ruined if the investment does not pan out. This is not to say that governments should go tossing around money to any start-up company with a new idea but the concept is tantalizing. If the government can find a way to, with no political biases, help contribute to local business his could be very beneficial. Domestic employment could be increased, exports would benefit and not to mention the potential for a solid return on the tax payer’s money.


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