App Integrates Athletes into Business

A new app has been introduced by the Welland Sport Tourism Alliance that configures maps, events and local businesses under one convenient roof. The app is designed for visiting athletes and will benefit not only the players, but the host cities as well. It shows local restaurants as well as event times and schedules with links to social media including athlete profiles and many customizable features for sporting tournaments. This app could be incredibly profitable for restaurants especially because teams are always in need of a meal in foreign towns and don’t always know where to go, one look at the app and their problem is solved. Tournament organizers can also benefit from a management and awareness standpoint as they can increase their number of spectators with the social media aspect. Many towns pride themselves on their hosting abilities, Kamloops to name a local example, and local businesses could bolster their sales substantially with the help of this app. This relates to the quote we saw in class, “Look at what’s bugging you” from David Cohen. This quote reflects this app because the creators have recognized a gap in the market for the service that this provides and have solved a problem that has probably bugged them in the past.

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